Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sad and Thinking

It's banquet season over at the Academy that I go to, which means that guys are asking girls left and right. Some of the proposals are funny, some are cheesy and some are just "Will you go to banquet with me?" type. It can also be super sad. I saw one guy get rejected today. The saddest thing ever. At least high school banquet isn't a lifetime commitment. I feel like some girl needs to surprise him and ask him out to banquet. That would be super cute.

I'm thinking about what I can do to make the world a better place... or at least make someone's day.  I feel, as a high school student, it's really hard to make a difference anywhere, and that can be really frustrating. I decided a while back that with the money that I get taking photos, I would make care packages for soldiers.I got signed up with a organization that does like the adopt a soldier/ adopt a platoon and got some soldiers to send care packages to. I'm really enjoying sending and preparing the packages. I love doing this because I can see the effect that I have really fast. I'm not saying that other things are bad, but with the big organizations, you can feel like your efforts are lost in the other people's giftings. This way, i can make one to one difference with people.

I have a chemistry test today. I'm not really looking forward to it.. I feel like I know everything; and I hope I do by the time the test gets passed out. Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving break and I can be thankful for that.

these photos really don't have anything to do with what I'm writing about. I think they're like "thinking" photos. Ones that you can look at and think of a whole story that goes into it. That sentence was super deep... lol. I didn't know that it would get that deep until i read it again.. Well, that's my "deep" sentence for the day.

I'll close with this:
Losing someone is the worst feeling ever.

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